ok here we go, or here we Come! hoof ive been meaning 2 talk 2 u ALOT during the holydays (eid) but hell i just cudnt find the time! or the opportunity. 2night is the first night dat iman isnt with me so i thought i write u some n tell u about the very very important news of 2day my friend. :) infact, ladies n gentlemen, i made Gheime 2day! :DDDD i KNOW!! its awesome! n gush knows it got sth outta me not the hell outta me though, cuz im used 2 kitchen work but tthis... this was alot n actually my thumb got hurt:(!! fek kon! the goddamn ghablame(!!:))) i was holdin 4 10 minutes n all... but i made gheime n its Great, 4 ur information. yes :) iiiiiiiii im excited!
i left it 4 tomorrow's lunch when imanam ham bashe.
u kno he's been lukin 4ward 2 me makin gheime!!:D so.... uuuuuuuhhhhhh gush it made me tired. i was in the kitchen the Whole day!! God knos house work kills u. i mean it really does, its so hard. n so Much u kno. it just never ends. just the too much Constant dish washing is enough 2 killin exhaust u.
n God knos dat u dont get 2 work when ure doin house work. most of the time ure in the kitchen, the rest u r resting 4rom the damn kitchen stuff work!!so dat just makes ur day.
wat i made 2day were: making breakfast, wash n all, make lunch, wash n all, make 2morrow's lunch, warm up n make eggs 4 dinner, wash n all !!!!
حالا خوبه که
همینطوری هی فقط درست کردمو شستمو اینا دیگه. خوبه چنتا قابلامه بیشتر نداریم هی مجبورم بشورم استفاده کنم وگرنه صد تا قابلامه جمع می شد.i like cleaning. orelse it wud had been tough. n hard.