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i mean God really cant expect man 2 just THROW AWAY his sekshual needs now, can he?! no he cant! i mean come ON. it's Hormones. u kno wat they are? they r somethings dat make ur Member want things! n actually its mostly in ur brain but eventually it leads effects 2 ur Thingi! i donno if they call women's also a thingi or not but anyway, i mean a woman's. cuz 4example me, im not always hornee. ofcors im not. but the times in month that i am, i really AM my friend!! i mean the brain just keeeps on going n goin n stuff... n each time Sudenyly some thought or picture comes in2 my brain n im like: wow... damn... now that IS Sick!! n good! n i was jus in wc n i just lukd in the miror n said 2 maself dat Mer, u r the Most twisted creative person on earth in this matter! i mean no1 can possibly be more creative in this mater than i am. no one. n khob dat leads 2 stuff. n ofcorse u don necesarily have 2 Do anything. u kno? like jerkin off i mean. now dat u don want 2 n all. thinkin of it is good n all itself. but wat im sayin is dat God cant do this 2 man. ! i mean it.
and btw oh the whole chik thing!! its stupidly on my mind! i mean im like: boy i want a girl! a chik i mean. dats more of a rfantasy n fancy like doings. its not sekshual dat much. u kno. all of a suden in mah ramezun im like All Sekshualities! i might as well like having seks with dead ppl or sth!!! hoooooooogh. its the brain thing man. it just goes on n on. n u KNO wat i LIKE and all dige.... so even the chik thing leads 2 dat. cuz u kno i don like chiks sekshualy. n dats some fancying man. i control myself ofcorse. but i keep wondering wat wud God do if he was a human being. n he had hormons gholgholing in him! n he was apart 4rom his husband-wife. n he couldnt make love nor be made love 2. then wudnt he Think??! st the thoughts just rush in2 ur brain n mind u kno? i mean u don have 2 think exactly. or every man or boy u see, every psg or line u read dat suggests any kinda anything... turns u a bit on...!! dats a lil hard 2 control. i mean controlin isnt hard, the lack of pleasure is. the pleasure tempts u, orelse its not like u r in dat much of neeeed u kno?
THANK GOD dat almost one month later ill be living with my lovin husband n all this hormon nightmare will end 4ever!!harchand age manam ke i guess ill still have my Twisted ideas IN MY HEAD. thinkin of em. or maybe even doin stuff every once in a while. u kno? MAYBE. i donno yet. harchan i still think becuz u r fulfilled after starting living 2gether, u wont have th ose twisted wants anymore. just like i didint. i had even stopped likin them 4 awhile!! i was all like : na i want romantic only. n i still do. with him i mean. dats why the twisted ones have 2 be in my head only. cuz i cant think of having them with him, atleast not now. romantic is more n more a turn on. i mean theu r just so different u kno? SO different. i don even kno myself when im drownin in those thoughts n wantings n Craziness n wildness. lets hope that "everytime u want" romantic seks n normal seks with a little bit of kink will take the psycho thoughts away!! cuz My thoughts n stuff my friend, r WAY over the border of kink!!it wishes 2 be kink! n thk God dat my love is also much into the kink dat prefers it i guess! but as i said My kink is just crazy. he don kno most of my kink. he just knows the ones dat ive let him kno! My kink... u cant imagine. its just insane. one cant even dream of ME having those thoughts n likings!! ME!! im like the type dat luks like don even like seks!!! but im tellin u my friend, when hornee, i kud have seks with a table!! so dont push me ok?!!im tellin u... at these times a glass of water can turn me on!! so dont even think dat! dat is so bullshi t.im a kind of creature dat ull never kno. dat no1 can ever figure out, except after knowing me completely. but still u cant guess wats on my mind. st i luk at boys or guys on tv n all i see is "how dey make lov"!!? or how is dat one is bed?! or i bett this one's a gud fuker!! or dat one's hot!! of course as i said only SOMEtimes in month im like this (like now almost!!) the other times im all normal like i don even like seks or watever. no hormons. but i feel so alone in it. cuz i feel like no other female is like dat except the slu t s dat r so worthless dat just wanna get fukd. dey don understand no fantasy no shi t. they don think. but im all different. n all my point in sayin all these was that God shouldnt have set the ghosl rule 4 after c u ming.cuz ppl cant not cum 4 a month. ok?! thank u!
they need touchin bein touched n ALL DAT. n when that isnt possible, khob ofcourse they turn 2 their fantasies n thoughts n... dats wat happens
the last days i kud literaly jerk off 3 times a day n still wanted more n more. i just couldnt stop! i meant it when i said when hornee, a woman can have seks 24/7.i was just like dat n still a litle am.but thnk God the hormones r reducin alot.